
書名: Different Seasons 
ISBN: 0451197127 
語文類別: 英文 
作者: King, Stephen 
出版社: New Amer Library 
出版年份: 1998 
內容簡介 書目類別: 愛的書庫 
The first story in the collection is “Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption.” This story deals with a man named Andy Dufrense; a calm and wise former banker who was wrongly convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison in Shawshank.
“The Apt pupil” is the next story in the series. “The Apt Pupil” is the story of a young man by the name of Todd Bowden who meets Kurt Dussander, a wanted Nazi criminal.
“The Body” is the third short story in Different Seasons. In “The Body,” Gordie tells his story of searching for a missing body with his friends, Vern, Teddy and Chris. They are confident that they will find the body, become famous and go on their merry way; however, things take a turn for the worse when they realize that Vern’s older brother, Billy, is making a similar journey with his friends.
領域: 文學語文類 
適讀年段: 國中 
建置者: 邱○瑜 
建置日期: 2013-11-14 
總人數:共  32745580 人次
目前上線人數:共  1074 人次
教師:3 人 學生:52 人
訪客:1019 人
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